LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – Sometimes it’s the little things that really bug you.

Like this email from viewer Tony:

“So many people here say ‘I 95’ when referring to what’s actually US95. I’ve even seen it in print and heard it on local radio and tv. Please educate viewers about the differences between interstates and us highways.”

Well, Tony: from The Wikipedia:

With a length of 1,924 miles I-95 is the longest north-south interstate, passing through 15 states on the east coast from Maine to Florida.

US 95 runs for 1,561 miles in the western U-S from the Idaho border with Canada to the Arizona border with Mexico.

Interstate freeway signs are red and blue. U-S highway signs are black & white. Interstates have controlled access, medians between lanes of oncoming traffic, and no traffic lights.

Tony- thanks for writing!

Buckle up, drive carefully – and, please put down that phone! When you write in to join the “Driving You Crazy” conversation, photos and video obviously help tell your story, but not taken while you’re driving!

Send it all to this email address: