LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – At “What’s Driving You Crazy?” we get lots of viewer emails about speeders.

Like this from Marty, who writes:

“Can NHP please increase patrols on the 215? The excessive speeders and erratic lane changers are going to get somebody killed! I commute between Stephanie and the I-15 daily, and there are times I fear for my life because I’m constanty surrounded by people with a death wish.”

Marty, the Nevada State Police Highway Patrol’s response is that they *do* go after speeders – when troopers catch them in the course of their patrol duties.

Unfortunately, much of their working days (or nights) are taken up responding to crashes that frequently lead to time consuming lane closures, or entire freeway shutdowns for fatality investigations.

Thanks again to Marty – and everyone who writes in wishing more can be done to get speeders off our roads.

Buckle up, drive carefully – and, please put down that phone! When you write in to join the “Driving You Crazy” conversation, photos and even video of whatever you’re talking about will really help tell your story – just don’t take pictures or videos while you’re driving!

Send it all to this email address: